2022-23 Awards
- UF Superior Accomplishment Award, Division Level
Individual category: Jocelyn Gravlee, MD, Jacques Roberts, Shellayna Warman, Jeff Phillips, RN - Rookie of the Year: Natasha Davis
- Team Collaboration: SHCC Pharmacy team (Laura Tipton, PharmD, Trish Tice, Donna Smith, Valerie Hoffer, Michelle Fields, Katie Nessa)
2021-22 Awards
- UF Superior Accomplishment Award, Division Level
Eileen Lauzardo, M.D., Jennifer Kieslich - Diversity & Inclusion Award, Division Level
Cecilia Luna
2020-21 Awards
- Michael L. Slive Distinguished Service Award
James Clugston, MD - UF Superior Accomplishment Award, Division Level
Alfredia L. Mincey, Clinical Service Rep I, Kirsty Freshwater, MSN,FNP-BC, APRN and Matthew P. Walser, PA-C
2019-20 Awards
- UF Superior Accomplishment Award, Division Level
Elisabeth Powell, RN and Hannah Stahmer, MS,RDN,CDE
2018-19 Awards
- UF Superior Accomplishment Award, Division Level
Maricelly Rodriguez, Clinical Program Coordinator I
2017-18 Awards
- SEC Team Physician of the Year, Southern Orthopaedic Association
Jay Clugston, MD, SHCC and UF Team Physician - UF Superior Accomplishment Award, Division Level
Debra Farrar, RN & Barry Lewis, Environmental Services - Diversity & Inclusion Award, Division Level
Ann Grooms, MD; The Diversity and Inclusion Award is given to an employee who demonstrates exemplary conduct that fosters full participation by diverse faculty, students and staff, creates a climate of inclusion on campus or in the community, and promotes diversity to enhance educational, research or other work outcomes.