Radiology & EKG

PHONE: (352) 294-7470

First Floor, SHCC, 2140 Stadium Road

HOURS (subject to change during holidays/breaks): Fall/Spring: M-F, 8am-5pm; Sun 12-4pm Summer: M-F 8am-4:30pm


The Student Health Care Center Radiology and EKG staff is here to assist you with tests ordered by your medical provider.

Please fill out an X-ray Copies Form. You may bring (Infirmary Building, Room 130), fax (352-392-4673), or mail (UF Student Health Care Center, ATTN: Radiology, P.O. Box 117500, Gainesville, FL 32611-7500) your completed form to us.

A PICTURE ID IS REQUIRED FOR ALL PERSONS PICKING UP X-RAYS. Please call with any questions or concerns: (352) 392-7470.

Accessing services

X-rays ordered by an SHCC provider

When your SHCC provider orders an X-ray or an Electrocardiogram (EKG), you will be instructed to come straight to the X-ray department. Patients are taken on a first come, first-served basis unless a medical emergency requires immediate attention. If you have an existing X-ray or EKG order from an SHCC provider, we recommend you come early in the day to minimize any wait.

X-rays ordered by an outside provider

If you have an order from an outside provider, first report to your SHCC medical team. (If you don’t know to which team you are assigned, call (352) 392-1161.) The SHCC will transfer the X-ray order into the SHCC system and ask how/where to communicate the results. If you are following up with an outside physician, be sure to provide all information needed to complete the request, such as the doctor’s phone/fax numbers, mailing address, etc. Providers typically only require a copy of the official X-ray report, which is placed in your electronic record and your SHCC team notified so it can be provided to the outside provider per your instructions.

Occasionally specialists may request that you to bring/send a copy of the actual X-ray. If this is the case, tell your X-ray technologist you require a copy of the X-ray images to take to your provider and a CD will be burned for you. We can also provide an X-ray CD mailer if you plan to mail the disc.

Obtaining results

Results for X-ray and EKG studies normally come from the provider who orders the test. The provider may, at times, designate someone else to give you results. Always contact your assigned medical team for information about X-ray or EKG results.

A technologist insures that each X-ray study and EKG receives a report, that the report is entered into your electronic health record and that your provider is notified when the report is available for review. The official X-ray reports are often ready for your provider’s review within just a few hours following your X-ray examination.

EKGs are sent electronically to a cardiologist and usually take less than 24 hours to receive an official over-read. The EKG, once evaluated and electronically signed by the cardiologist, is saved into your electronic health record. Your provider is then notified that the official over-read is available to review.

Should an official X-ray or EKG report contain findings not previously identified by your provider, your provider will be immediately alerted and you will be contacted by either your provider or a designee from your medical team.

Equipment and available tests

X-ray and electrocardiography

The radiology department is equipped with a high-quality digital imaging system, and is capable of performing any routine diagnostic X-ray ordered by your medical provider. The X-ray images are available for your SHCC medical provider to review as soon as they are completed, and are permanently stored in a secure archive to easily enable future retrieval. If have any concerns as to whether or not the SHCC can perform your test on-site, please call (352) 294-7470.

The department is also equipped with an Electrocardiograph machine networked to a web based cloud server for faster interpretation by a Board Certified Cardiologist. We can perform 12-Lead Electrocardiograms (EKG) as well as Rhythm Strips, if requested by your physician or other medical provider.

  • PLEASE NOTE: The SHCC does not perform CT, MRI, diagnostic ultrasound, mammography or advanced cardiac studies (cardiac stress tests or echocardiograms). If your SHCC medical provider requests one of these more advanced studies, contact our Referrals office for assistance in obtaining an appointment at a local facility based on your insurance: (352) 273-4539.


Our staff of nationally registered, state-certified radiologic technologists is well trained and highly experienced to handle all your routine imaging procedures. We strive to provide the medical staff with the best possible radiographic information with which to successfully diagnose and treat your problem.

The technologists work closely with your practitioner to ensure that diagnostic studies ordered will encompass the area of interest and provide the information the practitioner is seeking. The technologist may obtain more information from you regarding your area of pain or symptoms to ensure the best possible study. If you have any doubt that the area being X-rayed or the type of X-ray is not consistent with your problem, immediately notify the technologist so the orders can be re-checked for accuracy.

Although your X-ray may be reviewed by your SHCC medical provider at the time you are seen, all X-ray studies performed at the Student Health Care Center are also read by a board-certified radiologist, a physician who specializes in reading X-rays. The technologists are in close, daily contact with the radiologists, and prepare all the X-ray images and accompanying information for interpretation. You may be asked by the technologist for additional information regarding your illness or injury, which will help the radiologists gain a more complete understanding of your problem and enable them to make a more accurate interpretation of your images.