Sometimes when we feel really sick, the culprit is something that can be healed by your immune system which is the body’s first responder. When this happens, you can often care for yourself at home by managing the symptoms – there is no specific cure except time and patience to let your immune system do its job. The steps below can walk you through how to start feeling better sooner.
1. Check your symptoms
Take a moment to really feel what is going on – Where does it hurt? Is my nose running? Does my throat feel sore? Select the self care guide below that matches your symptoms the closest. Make sure to read through all of the information carefully to understand how these illnesses work. Seek medical care if symptoms persist or as guided on the information page for your illness
2. Manage and monitor your symptoms
Please review the above self-care information. Seek medical care if symptoms persist or as guided on the above information pages.
3. Complete Self-Care Class Note
During times of increased illness rates on campus and high appointment demand at the SHCC, the Self-Care Class Note provides students with the option to submit a note to their instructors and the Dean of Students office. This option is available to students through the link below.
IMPORTANT: This is not an excuse note, but rather a self-attestation from the student confirming they are experiencing symptoms that are possibly contagious, in-line with the symptoms listed on this webpage. By completing the form, the student understands that providing false information would be in violation of University Regulation 4.040 (Student Honor Code and Student Conduct Code).
This self-care class note is only available to students when two conditions are met:
- The UF Campus is experiencing higher-than-usual viral illness rate, and
- The SHCC has reached maximum appointment capacity.
If the note is not accessible through this webpage, these conditions have not been met, and a student will need to schedule an in-person or telehealth appointment to receive a written excuse note.